YouTube Now Lets You Request Removal of AI-Generated Content That Looks or Sounds Like You

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Category: Tech News



In a significant policy update, YouTube has quietly introduced a feature that allows users to request the removal of AI-generated content that closely resembles their likeness. This move comes as deepfake technology continues to advance, raising concerns about privacy and identity.

The New Policy
Under this new privacy violation policy, individuals can flag videos that use AI to alter or create synthetic content that looks or sounds like them. Here are the key points:

  1. 48-Hour Window: When a complaint is filed, YouTube gives the video owner 48 hours to respond and take action.

  2. Criteria for Removal: The decision to remove content depends on several factors:

    • Alteration or Synthesis: Is the content significantly altered or entirely synthetic?
    • Identifiability: Can the person in question be easily recognized in the video?
    • Parody or Satire: Context matters; parody and satire may be exceptions.
  3. Privacy Violations: This policy falls under YouTube’s privacy violations category, not misleading content.

  4. Exceptions: Minors, individuals without computer access, and the deceased are exceptions to this policy.

  5. Removal Options: Removal means either taking down the content entirely or blurring out faces. Simply making the clip private is not allowed.

Why It Matters

The rise of AI-generated content poses unique challenges. While deepfakes can be entertaining or artistic, they also have the potential to harm individuals by misrepresenting them or spreading misinformation. YouTube’s move aims to strike a balance between creative expression and protecting user privacy.


As AI technology continues to evolve, platforms like YouTube must adapt their policies to safeguard users. If you believe your likeness has been used in AI-generated content without your consent, take advantage of this new feature to protect your identity online.

Source: TechCrunch